Category: Uncategorized

  • Electricity connected

    So after so many months, I am at last connected to the National Grid. I originally asked the local suppliers EDF in July 2016 (15 months ago) to come and connect up the electricity supply. Nothing can be achieved without some form of power, and although a generator helped out temporarily, no major work could…

  • New YouTube account

    New YouTube account

    Time to get the ball rolling with this. I convinced myself once I got the intro done, it would spur me on to start filming what I’m doing at the house. Go check out the new intro, which I just finished making. Just 19 seconds of some typically French pictures from really close by,  and the new…

  • Happy New Year 2017

    Happy New Year 2017

    My first post of 2017 is to wish everyone who reads my blog a very Happy New Year 2017. Here’s wishing you all had a marvellous time over Xmas with your families and friends. I wish everyone health and happiness.

  • Translate Widget

    I’ve added a Translation button to the top on the Right hand side as some people have asked for it. You can now translate my posts into any language you choose. A floating button will also appear at the bottom of the page on the right, which you can click on a flag to change the…

  • Bedtime reading

    Bedtime reading

    Dont know what you’re all reading in bed these days. I think I’m taking this archive business too seriously and need to take stock! I’m trying to find clues as to the original owner and their family, but along the way I’m having some laughs at least. Bedtime reading this evening….. Its really a series…

  • Some bad news

    A few weeks ago, I was doing one of my evening visits to the house, and happened on the son of the old lady across the courtyard. He’s a nice chap, always a bit over talkative, but interesting nonetheless. I’d already explained my plans about doing a gite for the old place which he seemed…

  • Teary eyed, she slid over the key..

    Teary eyed, she slid over the key..

    So, the Pilgrim’s House finally has a new owner. I signed as planned on 18th July, no hiccups. The actual keys and locks for the house have been changed over the years on the rear door to the property (although the door is original), so today there is a Yale lock and a simple set…

  • Exchange Date fixed

    Its been a pretty complicated couple of months. Work pressure, setting up a new company in France, and the general apathy of the French system makes a simple task last months. If you’ve been reading my posts, you’ll know I’ve been waiting on a set of responses from various bodies – more pointedly, the notaire…

  • I’m in the local newspaper

    I’m in the local newspaper

    Cutting from the local rag this week….  



    The cogs are turning, albeit very slowly. No help from the solicitors, bad information from the town hall, and a land surveyor that we can’t tie down. The pressure is beginning to build now – the vendors want some movement as I do, but more red tape is intertwining all my efforts. This small piece…

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