Category: Key theft

  • Miracles do happen occasionally!

    After a delay of nearly a month and a half since I’ve written a blog, I am forced into writing this one as I had some great news recently. I’ve been working in another village and got a call from my next door neighbour in St Frichoux. (The guy who disguises himself and goes on…

  • Stolen Key – update

    Stolen Key – update

    Giving a place a good sweep to keep the dust down is a great thing. Perhaps not at every stage, as each new demolition brings a new covering. Little did I know how that dust would help me further my enquiries into who stole my key. The sun was out today – and it came through…

  • Break In – Front door key missing

    Break In – Front door key missing

    Sad News. I passed today to drop off some materials to find the main front door partly open. There was no possible way the door was blown open by the wind – you’ve seen the lock! So after some investigation, I noticed that the door I’d put up temporarily to keep people out on the…

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